Charles' Gynaecomastia Story
As a side effect of my testicular cancer in my thirties, I developed male breasts (gynaecomastia). The right breast was larger and more solid.
Wearing tighter fitting shirts was uncomfortable, and shirts started to gap at the buttons. I come from the southern hemisphere and stripping off around the pool became embarrassing, something I used to take for granted. Most people naturally think that you have man-boobs due to excessive weight, though I am of fairly slim build. However hard ones tries, you cannot shift the fat from the breasts.
At the time of my testicular cancer treatment, the surgeon said if I ever wanted to reduce the man-boobs, something could be done. To be honest, I was just glad to be in remission and said ‘maybe later’.
When I decided to sort it out, I consulted with several surgeons, as I wanted to understand how the procedure would be done. Miss Hazari was very well-informed. She covered all the basics before surgery to ensure the risks were managed, and explained the options as well as which procedure would give the best outcome.
The surgery was different on both sides due to the mass on the right. So liposuction alone was required to the left (as I did not have a fibrous disc behind the nipple). The right breast required skin reduction in addition to liposuction. The right side therefore had an incision around the nipple as well as short horizontal incisions away from the nipple to reduce the excessive skin.
Immediately after surgery the results were already apparent. The left breast was greatly reduced and looked completely natural with the exception of the liposuction entry points. These have faded and the tissue behind evened out, so now the scars look like small moles, which blend in amazingly. The right side is more symmetrical to the left with the nipple reduced in size to match. I apply Bio-oil and the scaring is fading nicely.
Looking back at how I used to be concerned about my chest appearance and would walk to and from the pool on holiday with a T-shirt or a towel over my right shoulder, I wish I had the procedure many years earlier. The appearance is already so normal, and things can only get better over the next year as the scaring continues to fade. A great result all round!