Capsular contracture continues to be the leading cause of breast implant re-operations. The key benefit of using textured implants is reduced capsular contracture. As textured implants provide frictional resistance to movement, they also help to stabilise the implant pocket and reduce skin stretch and ‘bottoming out’ in the lower part of the breast over time.
Smooth implants, on the other hand, can feel softer, are more easily placed with smaller incisions, however, will have greater movement with some drift to the sides of the breast (lateral slip). They tend to settle in the lower part of the breast, stretching the lower breast skin envelope.
Though textured implants have been pre-dominantly been used in the UK and Europe, the concern for the rare occurrence of BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated ALCL) has started to influence the discussion regarding the use of textured vs smooth implants. You should discuss with your surgeon what is best for your body shape, chest wall shape and breast skin envelope.
*Longterm safety of textured and smooth breast implants
Calobrace et al. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2018, Vol 38(1) 38-48.